Saturday, February 16, 2019

Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga sangam - 1865 Ramalinga Adigal Vallalar Sathya Dharmasalai

Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga sangam - 1865

   Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga sangam was started by Ramalinga Adigal popularly known as Vallalar. St Ramalinga of Vadalur was born at marudhur near Chidambaram in 1823. He played a prominent role in the social and religious reform movement in Tamil Nadu during the 19th century. Being spiritual, his song and works were a harmonious blend of social Reforms and religious sentiments. He tried his best to find solution to the social evils by inculcating spiritual awareness.

   St. Ramalinga led to unity and solidarity of the Tamil. In that sense alone, he favored the creation of a casteless society to be guided by God whom he believed to be in the form of 'Arul perum Jothi' 
He condemned the inequalities based on birth and promoted universal love and broth hood.

Sathiya Dharma Salai in1867

   Ramalinga Adigal believed that hunger and poverty are the evils of the society. He advocated that feeding the poor is tha highest form of worship. As a result he founded Sathya Dharma Salai in1867 at Vadalur for feeding the poor. On the inaugural day he lit the fire of the stone stove with a declaration that the fire ever alive and the needy shall be fed for ever. As per the declaration it provides food to every one irrespective of caste and creed through out the year.

   St. Ramalinga had the view that love is the "Master key to spirituality" Vallalar showed his compassion and mercy not only on human being but also on plants, insects, birds and animals. This is called 'Jeeva Karunya' (Mercy to life). That is why he said, Vaadiya Payirai Kandapodhellam Vaadinaen. He opposed the superstitious beliefs and rituals. He emphasized on 'being vegetarian'. He forbade the killing of animals for the sake of food.

   One of the primary teaching of Vallalar is 'Service to mankind is the path of Moksha' God is the personification of mercy and knowledge. The path of compassion and mercy are the only path to God. In 1872, he established 'Sathya Gnana Sabai', Hall of True wisdom Forum and ensuring it was entirely Secular. His devotional songs are compiled in a volume called 'Thiru Arutpa'.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lord Dalhousie becam the Governor General of India in (A. D. 1848-A.D 1855) He introduced many reforms in India. Railway reforms Social Reforms Educational Reforms

Reforms of Lord Dalhousie

     Dalhousie was not only a great conqueror but also a great administrator. He introduced many reforms in India.

Administrative reforms
    Provinces were divided into districts and each district was put unter a Deputy commissioner. Simla was made the summer capital while Calcutta remained as the winter capital. He introduced a uniform system of administration in the provinces of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.

Introduction of Railways

   The first Railway line was laid in 1853 between Bombay and Thane.In 1854 a Railway line was laid from Howray to Ranikanj. In 1856,a Railway line was laid from Madras to Arakonam. The Railways increased the volume of trade. It was easy for the British government to send the troops, goods and raw materials easily from one place to another.

Lord Dalhousie was known as the 'Father of Indian Railways' 

Post and Telegraph 

   Dalhousie also introduced a uniform postage system. For the first time, the postal stamps were used in India. He introduced 1/2 Anna (3 paise ) postal system. Telegraph lines were also laid down. Thus communication system received an impetus under Dalhousie.

Commercial reforms

   Lord Dalhousie introduced free trade. Madras, Bombay and Calcutta ports were improved. He improved several harbors and equipped them with modern facilities.

Social Reforms

   He also supressd the Thugs. In 1856 the Hindu Widow rae-marriage Act was passed. He encouraged the widow re - marriages. He allowed a person to inherit his ancestral property even if he changed his religion.

Public Works Department

   Many canal, roads and bridges were built and several other welfare work was undertaken. The Grand Trunk road
Connecting Calcutta to Peshwar was refurbished. The Ganga canal was also dug.

Education reforms

   During the period of Dalhousie,Sir Charles Wood's Despatch in 1854 introduced several educational reforms in India. Training institutions were also established to provide training to the teacher. The universities of Calcutta  Bombay and Madras were established to provide higher Education to people.

Estimate : His period is ever remembered for the introduction of Railways, posts and telegraphs. Hence he is known as the 'Maker of Modern India'

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Monday, February 11, 2019

The Great Revolt of 1857 Causes of the Revolt of 1857 Political causes Economic causes Social and religious causes

The Great Revolt of 1857 

    The biggest challenge to British authority came in 1857. The Revolt of 1857 began with a mutiny of the Soldiers but soon people from all section of the society joined with the.
    The revolt occurred during the Governor Generaship of Lord Conning. There are differences of opinion among the historians regarding the nature of the Great Revolt of 1857. The English historian regard it as mere sepoy mutiny, with selfish interest. The Indian historians called it as "The First War of Indian Independence".

Causes of the Revolt of 1857. 
Political causes 
    The British policies of annexation and expansion created suspicion in the minds of the Indians. Lord Wellesley's. Subsidiary Alliance and Lord Dalhousie's Doctrine of Lapse made the Indian rulers as the dead enemies of the English.

Economic causes. 
    All trade and commerce of the country went into the hands of the English. The introduction of machine made goods by the British destroyed the indigenous industries.
   All high posts were reserved only for the English. It created ill feeling against the English.

Social and religious causes
    The English has begun to interfere in the religious affairs by abolishing Sati and child marriage and encouraging widow rae-marriage. The Hindu law of property was changed with a view to facilitate the conversion of the Hindus to Christianity.

Military cause
    Moreover, in order to make the sepoy look smarter, the sepoys were asked to trim their mustaches and beards. They were also ordered to remove their caste marks on their forehead and to replace the turban with leather hat. Hindu and the Muslims felt that it was against their religion. The Sikhs never trim their hair or beard. This hurt them deeply.

Immediate cause 
    The immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857 was the introduction of greased cartridges in the new Enfield Rifle. These cartridges had to be bitten by the sepoys in order to fit them in the New Rifles. A rumour spread that these cartridges were greased with the Hindus and the Muslims refused to use these greased cartridges. The sepoys got infuriated and refused to use them as the cow was considered sacred by the Hindus and the pig was detested by the Muslims.
     The first soldier to protect against the greased cartridge was Mangal Pandey, the Brahmin Sepoy, at Barrackpore in Bengal.
 He refused to use the cartridges and shot his officer dead on April 8th 1857. He was arrested and hanged to death.

Queen's Proclamation of 1858
    A Royal Durbar was held at Allahabad on November 1st 1858, where the Queen's proclamation was decorated. It was read at the Durbar by Lord Conning who was the last Governor General and the first Viceroy of India.

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Lord William Bentinck (A.D).1828 - A. D. 1835) He is famous for this reforms Sati Prohibition Act was passed in 1829

Lord William Bentinck (A. D.1828 - A.D.1835)

Lord Amherst was succeeded by Lord William Bentinck  He followed a policy of non-interference with regard to the dependent Indian states  He is famous for his reforms. He is considered to be one of the greatest Governors General of india. His reforms can be classified as follows

Financial reforms. 

In order to improve the finance of the East India Company  he reduced the salaries of the civil servants  He appointed several Indians on low salaries. He regulated the opium trad and increased the income of the company.

Judicial reforms 

He abolished the provincial courts of appeal and he set up a Sadar Diwani Adalat (civil Court) and a sadar Nizamat Adalat (criminal court) in Allahabad.

Administrative reforms

He abolished perian as the court languages and introduced vernacular languages.
Lord Macaulay was made the first law member.

Social Reforms (Abolition of Sati) 

Lord Bentinck could not tolerate such an inhuman act  So sati Prohibition Act was passed in 1829 with the help of Raja Ram Mohan Raj, a social reformer  Lord Bentinck declared Sati as a criminal and illegal offence  As per the Act  anyone who forced a woman to perform sati would be given capital punishment.

Abolition of female infanticide 

The wild tribes of Odisha followed the practice of human sacrifice of human sacrifice  to please their Gods.Lord Bentinck declared that any person who practiced this barbarous act would be treated as a murderer

Suppression of Thugs

Lord William Bentinck decided to stop this evil practice  Under Major Seeman, a new department was set up to suppress the Thugs. The thugs were caught in large numbers ; They were either put to death or punished severely.

Educational reforms 

Act of 1813 to promote western education through the medium of English. As a result English became a medium of instruction in India. He opened a medical college at Calcutta and established Elphinston College at Bombay.


He carried out many useful reforms in the social, administrative, financial and judicial fields. For his sympathetic attitude towards the Indians, he can be compared to Lord Ripon. He promoted English education in India and did a lot for the welfare of the people.

Practice question

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